Klanggestalten GbR
Managing Director:
Andreas Hampel
Kronprinzenstr. 26
22587 Hamburg
Tel. 040 – 391277
E-Mail: andreas (at)
Place of Jurisdiction: Amtsgericht Hamburg
Supervisory Authority: Verbraucherschutzamt Hamburg – Altona
Company Number: IGN 00406606
VAT Identification Number: DE 813 910 711
“Klanggestalten” is a registered and protected trademark.
Responsible for this website and its content in accordance with § 10 para. 3 MDStV: Andreas Hampel
All graphics, photos, and texts on these webpages are copyright protected and may not be copied or used without our consent.
Photo credits:
Irène Zandel, Laura Kelly, Chris Gonz, Christoph Hengelhaupt
Disclaimer for External Links:
We would like to emphasize that we have no influence on the design and content of external websites to which we refer (“links”). All references and links to external websites have been carefully reviewed by us. We expressly declare that, at the time of linking, no illegal content was recognizable on the pages to be linked. However, since we have no control over the current or future design of the linked pages, we hereby expressly distance ourselves from the design and all content of the linked pages. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content. This disclaimer applies to all links and references set on our website.